Registering as an organ & tissue donor is easy!
Registering as an organ & tissue donor is so easy! It only takes 2 minutes and can be done anywhere, at any time.
Andrea did it and so can you!
Let's all be like Andrea and register as an organ and tissue donor. Your 2 minutes could be mean everything to someone waiting for a lifesaving organ.
Go to now to register your consent!
Fact Check
I'm too old to be an organ donor.
Age alone does not disqualify someone from becoming a donor. The oldest organ donor was over 90 and the oldest tissue donor was over 100. There’s always potential to be a donor; it shouldn’t stop you from registering.
I’m not in good health, nobody will want my organs.
Your current or past medical history does not prevent you from registering to be a donor. Individuals with serious illnesses can, sometimes be organ and/or tissue donors. Each potential donor is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
I can’t become an organ donor… it’s against my religion
All major religions support organ and tissue donation, or respect an individual’s choice. If you are unsure, please double check with your religious leader(s).
If I donate my organs, I won’t be able to have an open casket at my funeral.
Organ and tissue donation does not impact funeral plans. An open casket funeral is possible.
If the doctors know I am a registered organ donor, they won’t work as hard to save my life.
Healthcare workers caring for critically ill patients must do everything possible to save lives. The possibility of organ donation is only considered when all lifesaving efforts have failed and survival is clinically impossible.
My family can overrule my decision to donate... is this true ?
Your family does make the final decision, but evidence has shown that in almost all cases, families honor their loved one's wishes to donate if they had previously registered. This is why it is important to register your consent at, and to discuss those wishes with your family.
Did You Know ?
In Ontario, every 3 days, someone dies while waiting for an organ transplant.
One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of up to 75 more through the gift of tissue.
33% of Ontarians are registered organ donors. That’s 4.2 million out of an eligible 12.5 million.
Since 2003; 17,639 Ontarians have received a lifesaving organ transplant.
Ottawa’s donor registration rate is 42% and ranks 122 out of 170 Ontario communities.